Pictured: 2015 Frauengruppe
The Frauengruppe emerged from a group of women belonging to a German organization that shared many commonalities; Leaving their home and family members, emigrating to a new country and learning how to speak and write a new language. The group started as a social group getting together and shared their prized tortes for dessert and discussing everyday activities and challenges in their native language. As the organization grew to many more members and the need for a larger facility, the group of ladies known as the Frauengruppe or Frauenschaft became instrumental in the finances in this endeavor. The ladies made sandwiches and sides, and donated pastries to be sold at the monthly events.
Years later, the membership voted on purchasing a place to call "home". Again, the Frauengruppe stepped up to do whatever needed to be done in this new venture. Raising money was necessary to maintain the facility and make improvements. Dinner dances emerged from this need and recipes from the homeland were welcomed by members and the public as true German food. The responsibilities were met with laughter, jokes, sharing of the German culture and traditions, and sharing of each lady's past and present experiences.
Today, the Frauengruppe's mission is pretty much the same as in the past with a few differences as time has passed. Most conversations are conducted in English rather than German and sharing the ladies history, traditions, and culture has diminished due to the passing of our senior members. Moving forward to the future, it's imperative to continue to our heritage and culture by passing on the German history, traditions, and culture that were passed down to us. Every group can share in this mission through language, song, dance, literature, food and photos from the past.